Team Photo 1996 |
Story Part 1
Someone once asked me
when the Huber Heights Special
Olympics Team got started. I thought about it and
realized I didnt know. You see
when my family joined the team, (Yes!
It is a family thing, not just a
child thing), someone had already
started a team.
Her name is Kathy
Kleiser and the year was 1996. The
team as you can see, was small in the
Kathy had been doing Special Olympics
a few years when we joined in. If I
remember correctly, the other coaches
were the same ones as today, Joan
Bostlmen and Vicki Rhea. I remember
she asked me to be a coach because
having boys on the team and only
women as coaches would not work. I
was a bit nervous at first, but I
quickly found that I loved it and now
many years later, I still love
helping these guys!
If you would like me to continue this
story, please let me